The 10 Best Balance Board Exercises for Surfers

There are several different methods to make the most of your balance board. Here are ten of the best balance board exercises to maintain your body in good shape.

balance board

Read the 10 Best Balance Board Exercises for Surfers

1. Standing Still on a Balance Board

The most straightforward balance board workout for beginners is simply standing still. However, this isn’t as simple as you may believe since it will need a lot of concentration and power.

Maximize your core and leg muscle activation with this effective balance board exercise. Begin by positioning yourself on the floor, leaning against a wall. Maintain a 90-degree angle at your hips for optimal posture. Keep your legs straight and firmly stationary on the balance board to target key muscle groups such as the quads, calves, and hamstrings.

To start, place your feet on the outer edges of the balance board, ensuring a stable stance. The goal is to find your balance and remain as still as possible. You can either time your stands for specific repetitions or challenge yourself to stay motionless for an extended period. 

Not only is this exercise great for muscle activation, but it’s also an excellent method for relaxation and focus. Incorporate this balance board routine into your workout to enhance stability and core strength.

2. Tilting the Balance Board from Side To Side

The leg balances from a standing position on the balance board. This essential exercise needs a lot of concentration and helps to work out your ankle and leg muscles. Begin by standing still on the balance board with sturdy support in hand.

Gradually tilt the board forward, aiming for a 45-degree angle. Shift your weight onto one leg and carefully tilt the board until it gently touches the ground. Then, apply pressure on the opposite side and rotate the board in the opposite direction.

During this exercise, it’s crucial to keep the rest of your body still. Focus on maintaining a strong core and executing slow, controlled movements. This technique ensures maximum muscle engagement and balance improvement. Perfect for those looking to enhance their core stability and leg strength, this balance board exercise is a must-try in your fitness routine.

3. How to Tilt Back And Forth

As a fundamental exercise in balance board training, the ‘Tilting Back and Forth’ movement is essential for beginners. Start by finding a balanced stance on the board, gripping a stable object like a table for support, similar to the technique used in side-to-side tilting exercises.

Begin the exercise by gently tilting the front part of the board downwards until it touches the ground. Then, carefully shift your weight to tilt the board backward, allowing the rear of the board to meet the floor.

This exercise is exceptionally beneficial for enhancing ankle strength and mobility. It’s important to perform the tilting motions slowly and with control, keeping your core engaged throughout. By incorporating this exercise into your routine, you’ll effectively develop balance, stability, and lower body strength.

4. Single Foot Tilts on a Balance Board

Enhance your balance and core strength with Single Foot Tilts on a balance board. Start by balancing on one foot, with the other leg lifted towards your torso. Keep your core engaged and your body steady as you maneuver the board in various directions.

Begin with forward and backward tilts, then move to left and right tilts. Follow up with a round-the-clock shimmy. This exercise significantly strengthens the stabilization muscles in your ankles while engaging your core.

5. Balance Board Around The Clock

Combine the skills from the previous balance board exercises with the “Around The Clock” routine. Start by tilting the board left until it touches the ground, then smoothly transition through a backward tilt, a right tilt, and finish with a forward tilt, creating a 360-degree turn.

Focus on maintaining balance and working your ankle muscles throughout this slow, precise movement. Aim for at least 60 repetitions in both directions.

balance board exercise

6. Balance on one foot

Challenge your balance by standing on one foot in the center of the balance board, with the other foot raised towards your torso. Hold this position as long as possible to strengthen your ankle stabilization muscles. Repeat with the other foot to ensure balanced muscle development.

7. Squatting on a Balance Board

Target your thighs, glutes, and core with balance board squats. Stand with feet on the outer edges of the board, find your balance, and squat down, keeping your hands in front of you. Ensure that the board remains stable without its edges touching the floor.

Then, carefully stand up. Make sure you don’t arch your back while doing this. The balance board must maintain stability and avoid any edges from contacting the floor when squatting. This exercise targets your thighs, glutes, and core muscles.

8. Squat Push – Advanced Balance Board Exercise

Now take your workout to the next level with the Squat Push, an advanced balance board exercise. This targets quadriceps, core, glutes, and deltoids. Stand on the edges of the balance board, find your balance, and squat down, holding a pair of light dumbbells at shoulder level.

As you stand up, extend your arms overhead for a dumbbell press, then return to the squat position, bringing the weights to shoulder height. Perform this sequence as a fluid movement, repeating ten times.

9. Half Moon

The Half Moon is an excellent balance board exercise for enhancing hip stability, engaging hamstrings, core, thighs, and glutes. Begin by standing on the board with one foot centered to achieve balance. As you maintain a steady posture, extend your other leg to the side while inhaling deeply. You will feel your buttocks and hamstrings engage as you bend your torso, ensuring your hip points are aligned.

Raise the arm corresponding to your planted foot and reach down to touch a block placed on the floor, moving your torso forward. Simultaneously, lift your opposite arm, keeping both arms parallel. Hold this position for a few seconds without moving, then return to standing and repeat with the other foot on the board. This exercise is ideal for improving balance, hip flexibility, and overall body coordination.

10. Throwing and Catching A Ball

This dynamic exercise is one of the most challenging balance board activities, focusing on kinesthetic awareness, core strength, leg muscles, and reflexes. Start by achieving a balanced stance on the board. You’ll need a partner to throw a ball to you – a soccer or basketball works well. Aim to catch the ball without losing your balance and toss it back, keeping the board steady. Maintain a straight posture while catching and returning ten balls.

For solo workouts, consider juggling while on the balance board. This variation adds an extra layer of difficulty and fun, enhancing your balance and coordination skills even when training alone.

Become a Better Surfer with a Balance Board

Incorporating a balance board into your fitness regimen is a game-changer for anyone looking to improve their athletic performance, particularly in sports like surfing. This versatile piece of equipment offers a wide array of exercises suitable for everyone, from beginners to elite athletes, and fits conveniently in any small space.

Regularly practicing balance board exercises can significantly enhance your coordination, core strength, reaction times, and overall sports performance. Just a few minutes of balance board training each day can lead to noticeable improvements in your physical abilities. Whether you’re looking to refine your surfing skills or just boost your general fitness, a balance board is an indispensable tool for achieving your goals.

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